Sunday, May 16, 2010

A note from coach Billy Alarcon

I want to take this opportunity to....

CONGRATULATE you!!! Tonight, about 20 minutes after our game ended, I was contacted by the commissioner of the Premier League. He officially invited us to join the very prestigious LA Premier League. (For those of you who didn't make it out tonight, we won 3-1.)

We should hold our heads up very high boys. Not just for the way we played tonight, but because of HOW we play. We play hard and our work ethic is strong and that shows in our performance on the pitch.

This is a huge accomplishment for a still pretty young club. We owe most of this if not all of this to Ben Kull. His hard work and endless hours of devotion and leg work to not one but MANY squads helped build a club out of an idea at a wedding in northern California just two years ago.

In addition to BK's hard work, blood, sweat and I am pretty sure at least a few tears, this club has developed large enough to get noticed by this very competitive league. Don't get me wrong, you guys, which most of our 30's squad has been there from the beginning, have helped keep the integrity in which we were formed, in tact.

Anyway, congrats boys!! Mike will be contacting me tomorrow with all the details. But basically we are jumping into their season which has 8 games left. And at the end of that we will be participating in their Cup, which is similar to the LA Muni playoffs. So we have plenty of competitive football ahead of us. As soon as I get all the details I will forward them to all of you ASAP. But be ready for a game this coming week.

Once again, you guys played amazing tonight and need to remember that we are capable of playing like that week in and week out. More to come...

¡¡Viva ACFC!!


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